Web Experience Optimization

Tips for Measuring and Optimizing Performance of Digital Experiences

Sandy Dawkins

Sandy Dawkins

In today’s digital-first environment, it’s critical that brands take advantage of every opportunity to develop deeper connections with their target audiences. The most effective way to develop those deeper connections is through continuous web experience optimization—consistently learning and improving based on a web ecosystem that is analytics-driven.

In order to uncover the largest opportunities for optimization, and effectively measure the results, it is imperative that there is an effective analytics infrastructure. This includes one that is capable of mapping customer journeys from entry to conversion, including every click, page view and interaction between the two points. And also important is identifying gaps in the visitor experience and measuring—at a granular level—how visitors journey through the site.

Here are some questions to consider when assessing whether your analytics stack is sufficient for identifying gaps and measuring the performance of your digital experiences.  

Can you see how visitors are engaging leading up to, and through, key conversion points across your website? Beyond page view metrics, can you see everything that visitors are, and are not, engaging with from page to page? If the answer is no, and you’re only tracking URL-based conversion goals, this is insufficient analytics coverage that needs to be improved before experience optimization can occur. 

Does your marketing analytics infrastructure provide the full, quantitative picture of what’s happening on your site, or is it partial, qualitative, and merely anecdotal?Seeing the full, quantitative picture means capturing customer behavior and engagement across your site that provides actionable insights to improve conversion. If you’re solely relying on heatmaps and visitor recordings, you’re likely only seeing a small piece of what’s happening on an individual page of your site.

How are you tagging conversion events on your website? Are you relying solely on data-only analytics, in the form of tables, graphs, and SQL queries? Or, are you leveraging visual analytics, driven by data? Leveraging visual analytics, driven by data, allows for more efficient analysis and provides a view into the full visitor journey across many pages on your site. If you’re relying on data-only analytics, you may be missing out on opportunities to optimize the customer experience on your site, and missing out on doing so in an efficient, agile way.

Once you have addressed the gaps in your analytics infrastructure, you’ll be well-positioned to measure the impact of your optimization efforts. With this in mind, here’s how you can optimize your digital experiences to develop deeper relationships with your target audiences.

Create a dialogue that shows you are there to help your visitors and customers find the right solution that suits their needs. Your brand-to-customer web experiences should mirror human interaction which involves a natural exchange of increasingly relevant information.

  • Ensure your visitor interactions are thought about and executed as experiences, not just a page, or chat window on a page.
  • Design landing experiences that take only seconds to understand and engage with.
  • Ensure that experiences are progressively relevant to the visitor with each click, tap and swipe.

These optimizations will help you to win over your website prospects who are ready to convert.

Learn more about how to assess the effectiveness of your analytics infrastructure.

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