With the average shopping cart abandonment rate at 75%, e-commerce companies are constantly evaluating effective methods and tools to optimize their web experiences and drive growth.
To this end, Maryland-based Holabird Sports, a running and tennis apparel supplier, selected TrustedSite certification in an effort to provide a better shopping experience for their visitors and customers, and increase conversions and revenue.
TrustedSite partnered with us to implement web experience optimization for Holabird Sports by conducting a series of A/B tests with and without the TrustedSite trustmarks. The tests were run within Shopify over a one-month period during which Blue Green and TrustedSite carefully analyzed customer journey data -- from browsing the site and adding items to the cart, to proceeding to checkout and completing the transaction.
Ahead of the A/B testing program, the question was whether the experiments featuring TrustedSite trustmark placements on the online retailer’s pages -- including the Checkout section of the customer journey -- would perform better than pages without the trustmarks (i.e. the control). Would the trustmarks influence shoppers’ behavior, and motivate more customers to complete purchases?
For the experiment, trustmarks were strategically placed in the website footer, and on log-in, cart, and checkout pages, in an effort to ease customers’ security concerns about sharing sensitive information. The test results showed that the treatment that included trustmarks performed better than the control (which did not include trustmarks).
The winning experiment, based on trustmarks placed on the checkout page, revealed an overall 16% increase in conversion rate across all devices, a 22% lift in conversions for new website visitors, and a 21.3% increase in revenue generated. As evidenced by these results, the trustmarks encouraged more visitors to complete purchases.
Learn more about this A/B test, and discover how you can boost e-commerce growth throughout this period of uncertainty and beyond.
As a HubSpot Solutions Partner since 2019, bringing HubSpot CMS to enterprise before there was HubSpot CMS Hub Enterprise, Blue Green is truly honored to have been selected as one of HubSpot’s Advanced CMS Implementation Certified partners.